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M6FS flour mill machinery

M6FS series of complete flour mill machinery with air elevator is created on the basis of the initial 6FY series of home flour mill. We adopt the technology of lifting by wind to cut down the labor density after some energy and low noise. This flour mill machinery has the capacity to process various grains like wheat, maize, jowar, coffee and cacao etc.

M6FS flour mill machinery 6FS flour mills

Some benefits listed below:
▲ Enhance the flour mill's mechanization degree, cut lower labor intensity.
▲ Adopt compressed air to move grain. For seal pipes strictly, thus prevent flour from delivering effectively, reduce powder's pollution greatly.
▲ Cut lower the finished production's temperature and mill grain over and over to be able to enhance the flour's quality greatly.
▲Compact structure, large volume, easy installation, operation and maintenance.

Main Technical Parameters for M6FS Flour Mill Machinery:
Model Capacity (kg/h) Power (kw) Weight (kg) Packing (mm)
M6FS-35 300-400 8.6 CONFIRM WITH THE STIPULATION OF GB 1300*750*1450 2360*910*1050
M6FS-40 350-450 12.5 1300*750*1450 2360*910*1050
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